LPC 2021 Platform Committee Initial Report
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Revise: IV.6 Official Language

Recommended by a vote of 11 to 0


In the Official Language plank there is a sentence that seems more complicated than necessary. We propose to simplify the wording to make it shorter and easier to understand.


In the 2nd paragraph, replace "lingua (any of various languages used as common or commercial tongues among people of diverse speech) in a pluralistic society" with "languages in common use by people living in their jurisdiction".

Text Showing Revisions

We oppose the forced imposition or designation by any level of government of any particular language or languages as the official language of the society.

Where governments exist, we expect them to make use of the lingua (any of various languages used as common or commercial tongues among people of diverse speech) in a pluralistic societylanguages in common use by people living in their jurisdictions. When persons wish translations of government documents, they should pay the full cost.